          You must not lie That how you must not lie, you "CAUGHT 0N LIE", you must go to hide, because you lie, you just like those fake man-女子 committed "自.7.7.Ren" crime, you just like those liars-"Shower.人" committed "Huang.Whore" gangsters grouped liars "亂.Lie" crime, you committed "自.7.7.Ren" crime, you committed "亂.Lie" crime, you are worse than "Show.Moon.Boot.Curse.Dyao", you are worse than "糞.Tool.之牆.Boot.Curse.5", because "Show.Moon" may grow up best tasteful mushroom, "糞.Tool" may grow u 澎湖民宿p vegetable fruit.You are honest prisoners, you must have the honest eyes to see how US Military force must in title to own the entire America Continent right, because it was those Military Force team could have that mankind heart to risk their own lives to take that long risky unknown danger lie ahead to deliver those prisoners (America the land of Prisoners{That how any American citizen left America behind must have no civil rig 酒店兼職ht, that how you can have all your right to kill any American, jail any American, when they can have that shameless to go to your country to suck, not mention just throwing your shoe <0f course that Iraqi must have right to use his shoe to throw your sucking US President, because his shoe must be among the things your military force allowed him to bring in. As long as Iraqi did not offend any your military uniformed rule, you US Military Force mu 西裝外套st have all your responsibility to guard that Iraqi's free speech civil right. Your sucking US president must have no right to act like shameless white trash, he dared shamelessly appearing in front of any Iraqi eyes, he must deserve to be sucked by any Iraqi in any mean and way>to their sucking US President. That how US military force must have to keep silent nice for Iran hostage right. That how US military force must have to question themself suck first about 房地產their sucking President crime before blame any Iraqi to have the right to execute their sucking free body language speech right, because they must have no way to speak your American English like your sucking US President can.}, therefore, anyone ever coming to USA must be seen as prisoners, anyone cannot even be good enough to fit USA prisoners low lowful standard, must be killed and go to hells rather sooner than later. USA must have no right to jail anyone but kill them all. That may ex 591plain how come those 9.11.2001 enemy of USA must be jailed in Cuba place.) to come to America to get second chance to see free light, it was those military force could have the righteous guts to given their lives to fight to guard the prisoners free right, had those military force willing to compromise to lie, they must have had already own the entire globe to slave you all in the hells.Therefore, no matter you are lawyer or prosecutor, you ever lost any one of your case unexpectedly, you must not be all 酒店經紀owed to get any pay check from your talk or speech after that lost, because when you talk about the justice, you must have no right to take advantage of any poor helpless side because of they cannot have the mean and way to get the best speaker to guard their bottom right. You stupid bad ugly evil Bill Clinton, You're US President(Your any US President after Bill Clinton dare see your President House abused criminal Bill Clinton committed crime like nothing, your US President must become nothing<You want to get you 膠原蛋白r importance back, you have to "Kill" the must be killed instead of talk to the earsless eyesless senseless like that "Too Moron" would have had done had now were her to live in the White House to order USA military to kill every female dressed animals ever occupied public office to commit that liar crime that bottom lined for that liar Bill Clinton's crime, too stupid bad ugly evil to know that US President must have the duty to kill those female dressed animals lie when he already saw that point of EVIL Doer level of crime instead of take adva 室內裝潢ntage of their EVIL DEEDs to hostage entire White mankind to benefit his shameless selfish disgusting lawless Godless White House timely lie; or you may order US Military force to kill all Black ever occupied public office in USA instead; because I would have had more than welcome to do to order US military force to kill all Chinese or Asian who ever occupied US public office when someone can see this point and tell me like I am telling now. > important in any site of sight. That how that Iraqi must have the right to use his shoe to throw you like he must be allow 買屋ed to do to throw any mouse appearing in front of his eyes.), the most powerful man in the earth, you couldnot even have the shame, guts, brain cell to defend your lie to show your lawless Godless Shameless disgusting sight, you dare shamelessly use your pay check got out of your lie to hire any civil right lawyer to do the undefendable crime to abuse your most powerful public seat, you must be killed and go to the deepest hells with no chance to see any light.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 帛琉  .

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